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Create. a Launch System From Scratch

Create. a Launch System From Scratch

September 13, 20243 min read

How to create a launch system from scratch

by Bec Sadek

If I were building a launch system from scratch in network marketing, here’s exactly what I’d do...

But let me explain why having a launch plan is absolutely pivotal for ensuring duplication and sustainability in your business.

Seven years ago, I started fresh in network marketing. I transitioned from leading a solid team with one company to embarking on a new journey with another. This time, I didn't have a large team in tow, and I was determined to do things differently.

I aimed to not only set my future team up for success but also to create a system of leverage and duplication within my business. The goal was clear: no more endless zoom calls, answering the same questions, or repeating the same training incessantly.

I envisioned a business model marked by true automation—a system that empowered every new team member to thrive autonomously.

In the past, without a clear launch plan, getting new team members started was a struggle. I’d find myself on a Zoom call, advising them to draft a list of 100 people and begin the daunting task of reaching out—or worse, cold messaging strangers in hopes of sparking interest. 🙈

Unfortunately, this approach often led to quick burnout. Facing rejection as the first taste of their new business venture, many would quit before they truly began.

This experience underscored the necessity of a robust launch plan—one that guides new members effectively and spares them the discouragement of early rejection.

Here is exactly what I did next..

I dove into modern attraction marketing strategies. I connected with the #1 mentor in the field and started applying everything I learned. You can discover the same program I enrolled in here.

Every new technique I mastered, I tested myself first. It’s crucial to verify something works before you can confidently teach it to others. Once I saw results, whether it was generating leads or making sales, I'd immediately share these wins.

Here's how I shared my knowledge: I kept it simple. I recorded a straightforward training session on my strategies and posted it in my team’s Facebook group with a clear call-to-action. Remember, results aren’t just about sales; gaining leads is equally significant. My launch plan is designed to teach new team members how to attract leads from day one.

Then, I archived these training sessions in the Facebook group's guides section, labeled clearly so that they were easy to find, revisit, and use for tagging team members.

Over time, these snippets of knowledge evolved into a three-day launch process that guaranteed new team members would generate three leads in their first three days with us.

Fast forward six and a half years, and I’ve developed a comprehensive 40-day launch system that’s delivered via text and email. While it’s now part of an advanced attraction marketing course available to my team, it’s also archived in our team’s Facebook group, accessible for free.

But here’s the thing—I didn’t start with this complex system, and you shouldn’t either.

I see too many jumping straight into replicating intricate systems without proving their effectiveness first.

The method I advocate is simple: Learn, Implement, Teach.

Once you’ve seen results and your team is thriving, then consider integrating more sophisticated technologies or building out a full membership site.

However, don’t fall into the trap of investing heavily in creating systems before you’re sure they work. My team reached the top ranks in our company without all the bells and whistles.

Focus on learning, executing, and educating before you dive into creating complex systems.

If I were to start over, this is the path I’d take again.

Bec Sadek

P.S. If you’re interested to learn more about joining my team and leveraging our proven launch system, you can apply here.


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Bec Sadek

Bec Sadek is a 7-figure Network Marketing Leader, Social Selling Coach, & Found of The YES MLMS PLEASE MOVEMENT

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