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Are graphics damaging your network marketing sales?

Are graphics damaging your network marketing sales?

September 06, 20242 min read

Are Graphics Damaging For Network Marketing Sales?

by Bec Sadek

In the world of network marketing, the use of pre-made graphics on social media is becoming increasingly popular. But the real question is: Are these graphics actually helping you sell more, or could they be sabotaging your efforts?

I've been pondering the effectiveness of pre-made graphics for some time now. To get a broader perspective, I conducted a poll asking network marketers whether they are more likely to skip or stop and read when a pre-made graphic pops up in their stories. The results were enlightening and might surprise you—about half of the respondents admitted they'd likely skip to the next story.


So, what does this mean for your business strategy regarding pre-made graphics?

Here’s my take: while pre-made graphics can enhance your posts by providing educational, informative, and visually appealing content, they should not be your only content type.

Tips for Effectively Combining Original and Pre-Made Content:

  1. Personal Touch First: Always share your own experiences and results with your products or company before introducing a pre-made graphic. This personal touch can make all the difference.

  2. Introduce and Conclude with Your Voice: Make a habit of speaking directly to the camera before and after sharing a graphic. Your followers are interested in your personal take on the information.

  3. Balance is Key: Don't rely solely on company-supplied graphics. Given that 50% of your audience might scroll past these, it's crucial to mix in plenty of original content.

  4. Strategic Placement: While pre-made graphics can be useful in stories as a complement to your narrative, avoid using them as static posts on your feed. Instead, focus on engaging content like reels and personal photos for your main feed posts.

I’m curious to hear more viewpoints on this—did you participate in the poll?

And more importantly, do you find pre-made graphics a beneficial part of your marketing strategy?

Let me know your thoughts!


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Bec Sadek

Bec Sadek is a 7-figure Network Marketing Leader, Social Selling Coach, & Found of The YES MLMS PLEASE MOVEMENT

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